People remember the way you say something more than the actual words you use.

Your voice can elevate, or betray you. It conveys the truth of how you really feel. Instead of feeling vulnerable, how about training yourself to release that beauty of your unique voice, and the nuggets it will carry?

I want to know how to get my voice ready

New dates TBA @ 3:00 pm GMT | 10:00 am EST

60 minute session

Plus Live Q&A Session on XXX@ 3pm to 4pm GMT 

In this session, you will speak what you have to say. Literally. By getting your vocal cords ready. We have exercises to warm them up, which also double up as a great way to get you centred, calm, and ready to deliver your power, your brilliance, your magic. And be heard.
Being nervous, stressed, and literally falling apart before speaking is not a way to live your best life. 




  • Speak what you say
  • Warm up your voice
  • Make your voice your ally
  • Learn how to speak to get specific things to stick in people's minds
I want to know how to get my voice ready

How it works

We get together virtually for 60 minutes. You will be sent login and platform details when you enrol.

You learn why the work we're doing is vital, how it works, and most importantly, how to do it yourself - easily, calmly, quickly. 

At the end of the session, you will know the most important thing you need to do, if you want to 'speak' what you are saying, and get people tuning in to your most important things.

You'll also know how to

  • warm up your voice
  • get yourself centred and ready for action
  • marry what words you're using with how you say them

You will leave with learning materials that you will use every time you drill down to implementing this core skill of knowing how to get your voice ready to speak what you want to say - every time. In your professional life, in your private life, for life.

This will reduce related stress - or even eliminate it!

If you combine the templates you receive in this session with those from other CORE Skills Series sessions, you will end up with your personal, unique, 'how do I do it'  blueprint that will enable you to sustain your version of success throughout the phases of your life.

What's not to like?