This is usually what takes the most time and causes the most stress.

Imagine having templates that make the process simple, calm, fast and maybe even fun! (A stretch?) Every time.

I want to know what words to use & choose

New dates TBA

XXX @ 3pm GMT

Live Q&A session on XXX @ 3pm to 4pm GMT 

The thing is, it’s not about what you say, it’s about what others hear.

Truth is, most of us aren’t natural-born communicators, negotiators and public speakers. That’s why there’s an entire industry dedicated to training people in both the media and in the corporate worlds to simplify their message, expand on it with grace, and control the conversation like a seasoned professional.

During this session, you’ll learn how to communicate so you’re heard. I’ll guide you through communicating your needs and wants in a way that resonates and relates to those who are listening.




  • The one thing that gets people paying attention
  • What words to use & choose
  • Why this system works
  • Separate your perspective from theirs
  • The art & science of what you say being remembered - for the right reasons
I want to know what words to use & choose

How it works

We get together virtually for 60 minutes.

You will be sent login and platform details when you enrol.

You learn why the work we're doing is vital, how it works, and most importantly, how to do it yourself - easily, calmly, quickly. 

At the end of the session, you will know  the most important thing you need to do, if you want people to be 'hear' what you are saying. And how to do it - every time.

You'll also know how to

  • drill down to the words that suit each occasion
  • why they are the best ones to use
  • define what you want to say
  • separate what you know and really want to say from what you want to achieve

You will leave with templates that you will use every time you drill down to implementing this core skill of knowing what words to choose and use to suit every occasion. In your professional life, in your private life, for life.

This will free up hours of your life, reduce related stress - or even eliminate it!

If you combine the templates you receive in this session with those from other CORE Skills Series sessions, you will end up with your personal, unique, 'how do I do it'  blueprint that will enable you to sustain your version of success throughout the phases of your life.

What's not to like?